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Will – Elizabeth Kirkley – 16 May 1648

The sixteenth May Anno Regio Caroli Angliae &c vicesimo quarto one thousand six hundred forty eight I Elizabeth Kirkley of the towne of Newcastle widow being sicke in bodie but of a good and perfect remembrance thanks laude and praise be given to Almighty God doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I commend and commit my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker and Creator and to his sonne Jesus Christ my o

Report – 1 Oct 1649

A Boundary of the Lordship and Mannor of Muggleswick as well of the Waste Moors and Commons as of the Inclosed Grounds, with the said Mannor. Muggleswick is Bounded with the River Darwen to the North, and so down the River to Allensford haugh and so along upp Wharneyburn on the East to the North End of Bishop's Close and so Round the Bishop's Close parcell of the said Mannor to the Watergate, and so up Wharney burn, then called Rowley burn Southward. Running along the out bounds

Will & inventory – George Fairlamb – 3 Mar 1652

In the name of God Amen, I George Farlambe of eDuckesfeild within the Countie of eNorthumberland being sicke of body but of good and perfect remembrance, laud and praise be given unto allmighty God, doe make and declare this my Testament my last will beinge herein contained, That is to say :– First I bequeath my soule unto Allmighty, God And my body to be buried the p[ar]ish Church yeard of Slayley as my freinds shall dispose; and this my minde and Intent being my last will, I declare in p[

Letter – George Redshaw to Edward Radcliffe – 24 Mar 1652

Copy If Sr. Edward Radcliffe doe not pay in to Mr. Horsly Treasurer the rent for Langly and Land ends to morrow Souldiers will come to Dilston & Quarter. George Redshaw this 24 March 1651

Will & inventory – Richard Fairlamb – 11 Apr 1654

In the name of God Amen, The Eleaventh day of the Moneth of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six Hundred fiftie foure Richard Farlambe of Steele Hall within the Parish of Slealey, in the Countie of Northumberland yeoman being sicke and Weake of body, but of Sound and perfect remembrance, Laud and Praise be given unto God for it, doe hereby make my last Will and Testament, in Manner & forme as Followeth, That is to say, First I bequeath my Soule unto Allmighty God & Jesus

Lease – William Wentworth to Thomas Wentworth – 11 Sep 1656

11 September 1656 639 Acres price £6000 to bee payd in Mich[aelm]as Tearme Logg-woode att 6<£/s> per Corde, to bee payed, as it shall bee – yearly taken, Vizt The woode cutt and corded to bee measured, upon or before each firste day of May, after the winter it shal be cutt & corded. Streames for ffurnace & fforges & Timber for Buildinge & repairnige both, beeinge to bee allowed, Vizt included in the sayd rates for woodes. And for the Stone D

Will & inventory – Gervis Gascoyne – 10 Oct 1659

In the name of god Amen the 10th day of October Anno domin 1659 I Gervis Gascoyne of Gengles sicke in body yet of good & perfite memory praised bee god doe make this my last will and testyment in fforme as followeth vid first I give and commend my soule into ye hands of allmighty god my maker & of Jesus Christ my Redeemer And my body to be buryed in my parish Church & my goods as followeth Item I give to my brother Nicklos five shilings Item I give to my brother James five shillings

Letter – George Vane – 7 May 1663

May 7th 1663 At a general meeting of the Partners interessted in the grand land lease of Ryton Collyerie this day, wee whose names are heere underwritten are agreed that two of the numeber shall have instructions forthwith to endeavour to make an agreement with the now now present Bishop of Durham for a new Lease for three lives of the same Colyerie upon such convenient tearmes as the deputyd partys shall thinke fitt to consent to, and have cam[m]ission from the partners under t

Lease – Francis Radcliffe to Hugh Teasdale – 22 May 1663

Articles of Agreement Indented and Concluded betwixt the Hon[oura]ble Sr Francis Radclyffe of Meldon Bart of the one part And Hugh Teasdaile of Corby gate in Aldston Moore of the other part this 22d day of May 1663. Imp[rimi]s that the said Hugh Teasdaile shall at his owne proper Costs and Charges pull downe one water Corne Milne called Aldston Milne, in Aldston Moore aforesaid, and afterwards to build it up againe till it be ready for thacking, wth sufficient stone, Lyme and wood. It[

Letter – Isaac Basire to Francis Goodrick – 29 Oct 1664

R[er] in Cau[..] Dunel[..] 29 Oct 1664 To the Right Worshipfull Sr. Fra[ncis] Goodrick Knight Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge Humbly complaining sheweth to your good Worship your Orator Isaac Basier Dr in Divinity & Rector of the Parish Church of Stanhope in Weardale in this County That whereas heretofore by all the time whereof the memory of man runs not to the contrary there hath been and yet is a Custom within the sd. parish & Lordship of Stanhope i

Report – Wharton vs Hall – 1 Dec 1664

(a.) The case betweene Wharton & Hall drawn up as thus by George Wray & fit for the Lord Bpp of Durham to understand & consider. 1. The Lo. Bpp of Durham above Sixty yeares agoe grants to Mr. Whartons Ancestors a patent for tearme of life expressing as thus: That he is Mooreman als. Moorem<aste>r of all the Moores, waste Ground & soile within the parrishes of Stanhop & Wolsingham with power to digg Mines for the wineing of Lead ure, soe that it be not within any

Letter – Thomas Tempest to George Vane – 2 Apr 1666

Aprill Le 2d 1666 Memor:dm That the day, & the yeare above menconed Sr Thomas Tempest of Stelloe in the Countye of Durrham Barronett, doth demise, and to farme lett unto Sr Geo: Vane, his Execut[or]s, Administers, and Assignes, the stonestayth containing fower [4] keelroomes boundering Eastward upon the keelroomes of Ralp Jennyson Esq, on the West on Stelloe Landing place, and also fower other keelroomes lyinge in the Western Waggon Waye boundringe Eastward on Sr John Marleys Keelr

Lease – Francis Radcliffe to Michael Walton – 23 Apr 1666

Aprill the 23rd Anno Domini 1666 Articles of agreement made concluded & agreed upon between Thomas Bacckus of Dilston in the p[ar]ish of Dilston & county of Northumberland gentle[man] on the one p[ar]ty and Michaell walton of Hill house in the p[ar]ish of Alston & county of Cumberland yeoman on the other p[ar]ty witnesseth as followeth Imprimis it is covenanted concluded & agreed upon between the sd partyes that the said Thomas Bacckus beinge empowered by Sr Francis Rad

Lease – Francis Radcliffe to Richard Vazie – 23 Apr 1666

Aprill the 23rd Anno Domini 1666 Articles of agreement made concluded and agreed upon between Thomas Bacckus of Dilston in the p[ar]ish of Dilston the county of Northumberland gentle[man] on the one p[ar]ty and Richard Vazye of wanwood in the p[ar]ish of Alston and county of Cumberland yeoman on the other p[ar]ty witnesseth as followeth Imprimis it is covenanted concluded & agreed upon between the p[ar]tyes that the sd Thomas Bacckus being impowered by Sr Francis Radcliffe Baronet

Bill & answer – Humphrey Wharton to Edward Hyde – 26 Oct 1666

26 oct 1666 To the Right Hono:ble Edward Earle of Clarendon Lord High Chancellor of England Humbly Complaineing Showeth unto yo:r Lordshipp yo:r dayly Orato:r Humphrey Wharton of Gillingwood in the county of Yorke Esq that there are certaine Lead Mynes Lying and being within the parrish of Stanhopp in the County palatine of Durham commonly called and knowne by theire severall names of Newmeadowheads Allersclough Whiterake Barkerburne Langtyhead & Gorbuttmay Midge Pitts and Greenfiel

Lease – Francis Radcliffe to Richard Vazie – 2 Jan 1667

An agreement with my [word scratched out and replaced with: ‘Richard Vazye’] for Low Byer for 9 years January: 2d 1667 Memorand: That the Day above sd. It is agreed by and Betweene Sr. Francis Radclyffe of Meldon in the County of Northumberland Barnt: and Richard Vasye of Lowbyer w[ith]in Aldston moor in the County of Cumb[er]land yeom[an] That the said Richard Vasye, shall have all the howses and Grounds at the said LowByer belonging to the sd. Domaine there, For and During the Ti

Bill & answer – Isaac Basire – 17 Jan 1667

The joint and Severall Answeres of Isaac Basire Doctr in Divinity and Frances his wife defend[an]ts to the Bill of Complaint of Humfrey Wharton Esqr. Compla[ina]nt The said defendants having to themselves now and at all tymes hereafter all manner of benefit and advantage of Exception to the manifold incertainties & insufficiencies of the said Bill of Complaint and of the matters and things therein contained for their full and perfect answeres thereunto or unto so much thereof as any way

Questions to Witnesses – Isaac Basire – 22 Apr 1667

Interrogatorys exhibited to bee Administered to such witnesses as shall be produced Sworne & Examined <on the> behalfe of Isaac Basire Doctor of Divinity rector of the Parish Church of Stanhop in Weardale in the County of Durham & William Blacket Complain[an]ts ag[ain]st Humphrey Wharton Esq Thomas Alsop, John Jesop John Bolton Willm Deacon <[one name obscured]> Defend[an]ts Imprimis Doe you know the s[ai]d Parties Complain[an]ts & Def[endan[ts in this suit or any &

Witness Deposition – Nicholas Richardson – 22 Apr 1667

Nicholas Richardson of Stanhop in Weredale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged seventy eight years or thereabouts sworn and Examined, saith as Followeth 1.To the first Interr[ogatory] This Depon[en]t saith that he knoweth both the Compl[ainan]ts and knoweth alsoe Humphrey Wharton William Fetherston Thomas Alsopp John Boulton John Davison William Deacon John Rutter John Pilkington John Fetherston John <Nattres?> George Boulton George Wattson George Whittfeild Henry Ragge Arthur Myres

Witness Deposition – Thomas Greensword – 22 Apr 1667

Thomas Greensword, of Stanhop in Weredale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged seventy five Years or thereabout sworn & Examined saith as followeth. 1. To the First Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth the Compl[ainan]ts in this suit & alsoe knoweth Humphrey Wharton & the rest of the defend[an]ts < excepting Edward?> Stout & Thomas Burges & hath known the Compl[ainan]t Doctor Basire Five years & upwards & the Compl[ainan]t William Blackett t

Witness Deposition – William Maddison – 22 Apr 1667

William Maddison of Newlandside in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged Forty seven years or thereabout sworn and examined saith as Followeth. 1 To the First Interr[ogatory] this Depon[en]t saith that he knoweth the Compl[ainan]ts and Humphrey Wharton and the rest of the Defend[an]ts excepting onely John Boulton John Fetherston <....> Ritson Edward Stout and Thomas Burges and alsoe knoweth the Parsonage house & P[ar]ish of Stanhop in this Interr[ogatory] named & hath known

Witness Deposition – Robert Hall – 22 Apr 1667

Robert Hall of Stanhope in Weredale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged Eighty five years or thereabout Sworn and Examined Saith as Followeth. 1 To the First Interr[ogatory] this Depon[en]t saith that he knoweth the Compl[ainan]ts and all the Defend[an]ts in this suit saveing John Boulton Edward Stout & Thomas Burges <................... .........> time & some of them but of late And saith that he alsoe knoweth the Parish of Stanhop in this Interr[ogatory] named & th

Witness Deposition – Thomas Morgan – 22 Apr 1667

Thomas Morgan of Frosterley in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged Seaventy yeares or thereabout Sworne and examined Saith as Followeth. 1. To the First Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that he doth know both the Compl[ainan]ts and also knoweth Humphrey Wharton William Fetherston Thomas Alsop <...................> John Harrison John Pilkington Cuthbert Emerson George Watson George Whitfeild Arthur Myres Godfrey Didsbury John Evans (but knoweth not the <.........................&g

Witness Deposition – William Smith – 22 Apr 1667

William Smith of St Johns Chappell in Weredale in the County of Durham Clerke aged thirty five yeares or thereabout Sworn and examined Saith as followeth. 1. To the first Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth Isaac Basire one of the Compl[ainan]ts in this Suite and also knoweth all the defend[an]ts except Edward Stout and Thomas Burges, but knoweth not the other Compl[ainan]t William Blacket, & hath known some of them for a longer time & some of them for a less, And al

Witness Deposition – Cuthbert Morgan – 22 Apr 1667

Cuthbert Morgan of Frosterley in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged sixty six years or thereabout sworn & examined saith as followeth 1.To the first Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he doth know Isaac Basire one of the Compl[ainan]ts but doth not know the other defend[an]t in this suit And also knoweth Humphrey Wharton William Deacon Godfrey Didsbury and John Evans and hath soe known them for five years last past, but doth not know the other defend[an]ts And also saith that he k
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467