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Mr. Wm. Bell Farnacres 25th. June 1785 As a mistake was clearly made by giving you a Recet. for 7 pieces of Lead wch. it was apprehended at the time James Johnson was over but which has since been made out to be otherwise and that his Account was only even or right we think it necessary to acquaint you that your Acct. with us will stand as follows. Due from you. For 7 pieces of Lead short besides the 3 you pd for £8 1 - Due to you for yr. share of the Value of Lead found since the Pay of the 12 May 1784 being yr. share for one Piece but you must give up the Recet. we gave you for the one Piece. 1 - 6 Due from Mr. Bell to Messrs. Walton & Turner £7 - 6 We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. Your irregularity causes us a great deal of trouble and vexation indeed.