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The Peggy Thomas Middlemas Master Red Lion & Bell Wharfs The Pearl John Morris Do. The Sweep Edwd. Hutchinson Do. The Michael Josh. Smith Do. The Spring Greenwell Do. The Felicity Richd Colthirst Do. Three Crane Wharf The Dorothy Parkinson Do. The Newcastle Wood Do. The Tyne Ralph Halton Do. The London Hall Do. The Thames John Petrie Do. Mr. Thomas White Farnacres near Gateshead 18 June 1785 Sir, Above you have the Names of the Newcastle Traders and the Wharfs where they take in their Loadings and you may send the Bellows by any of the above mentioned Vessels. Our works which will require the Bellows ordered are in great forwardness and we shall be glad to receive the Bellows for Smelting by the middle of July at farthest and those for Refining within a Week or Ten Days afterwards. You will therefore be so good as particularly to attend to this and let us have them agreeable to this Letter. There will be no occasion to insure them as the Smelting Bellows & Refining Bellows will come in separate Ships conformable to what we mention above as to time. As soon as the Bellows are Shipped let us hear from you that we may be enabled to make you a remittance without loss of Time after we hear from you. We are Sir Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. On considering we think it will be best to send all the Bellows so as to be here by the middle of July at farthest if a little sooner, it will be better.