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Mr. Richd. Probert Farnacres 25th. June 1785 As we find other Persons who have occasion for Bone Ashes can be supplied with quite as good Ashes as yours at 2s./9d. per Bushel we must expect you will make an allowance in your next Acct. for the 50 Casks of 3s. per Bushel on the 200 Bushels Shipped the 20th. of this Month and charge the next 100 Bushels at 2s./9d. if you do not do it we must deal elsewhere. Your Acct. for the next 50 Casks we expect will be as follows. 50 Casks of Bone Ashes containing 100 Bushels at 2s/9d £13 15 - 50 Casks at 2s/2d £ 5 8 4 Cartage and Wharfage £ 1 3 - £20 6 4 Allowed for the last 200 Bushels at 3d. per Bushel 2 10 - £17 16 4 We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner