Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Sep 1783

Document Type: Letter
Date: 9 Sep 1783
Correspondent: Nicholas Walton
Recipient: Peter Mulcaster
Archive Source: TNA ADM 66 98
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Messrs. Mulcaster					Farnacres 9th. September 1783

      We have received your Letters of the 1st. 3rd. and 6th. with the several enclosures therein referred to & thank you for your attention with respect to the <pieces> of Lead in the Hands of the Wallaces. We have laid your Letter and Wallaces information before Mr. <Heron/Horn> who it is desired may consult with Mr. Liddell, Mr. Errington’s partner, & if they shd. apply to you we wish you to give them every assistance in your power. I however doubt there is too little grounds for expecting a discovery even if the Lead was actually stolen. The Keswick stuff may as well <lye> till we come to the Mill which will be on Thursday the 16th / Octr. in the Evening. Court at Hayton Bridge next day & return to you in the Evening 18th. & 19 stay with you & prepare for Pays Lead Mill, Langley Kiln, Stublick Colliery and Stublick Level <Mine> on Monday the 20th & on Tuesday the 21st of October we shall leave you probably in the morning; you will therefore end the Accounts the 27th Instant and let Thomas Temperley know he must do the same of course. Mr James Mulcaster will make up the Kiln Accts. to at 27 September Inst.

      We are concerned on Account of the disasters to the Horses & shall take that into serious consideration when at the Mill & in the interim we beg to have your sentiments from time to time as they may arise concerning this disagreeable business. 

      We are perfectly well satisfied with your care & exactness in the Tryal of Smelting 50 Bings of Lough Vein Ore & desire to have the Assays the first opportunity after you have got them done. 

      We propose writing to Mr. Hall possibly along with this & shall request that the report from Acton and that from the Cupola may each of them together with the Assays be Sealed up and that the same thing may be done with the report you make to us & that the whole may be opened within the presence of Messrs. Hall and Percival & ourselves when they come to His Grace the Duke of Northumberlands <Audit> at Newcastle on Thursday the 25th of this Month. It is desired that you will <work Marri…> Peats, a Winchester Bushel of Coals, a Winchester Bushel of <fallen> Lime, and a <Cask> of Cinders & let us know immediately after you have done so. Pray forward the inclosed the first opportunity. We are

      Your Hble Servants

      Walton & Turner

PS. We shall make use of your short Acct. as to the Tryal. 

You are desired to read the Letter for Mr. Hall before you Seal & send it away. We are perfectly convinced that the Lead Carriers have deceived us and you by making us think that there was no difference with Mr. Harvey about moving the Bone Ashes, and indeed they seem to be so unmanageable at present that it is immediately necessary <to make a new Law of reporting> them and therefore you must take the first Opportunity of acquainting them that <being informed> they do not pile the Lead but on the contrary refuse doing so on being required, if any of them neglect to pile their Lead <upon delivering> the same we shall most assuredly on the <very first complaint> instantly discharge the Carrier let him be who he will, and shall not pay one farthing for Carriage of the <Lead> wch. shall be <delivered without being piled: it therefore must <be clearly understood between> you and the Carriers that <let> the Lead be delivered either at Newcastle or Newburn it is to be <piled> or otherwise the Carriage forfeited, and no excuses whatsoever will be admitted of, so the Carriers must be very careful how they give Directions to the persons they employ, as the neglect of the man must be considered as that of his Master.
The latter part of this copy letter is very faded and difficult to decipher.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467