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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 9 Nov. 1784 We have recd. your Letters of the 28 Ult & 1st. 2nd. & <3>rd. Inst with the Bills all properly signed, and have also recd. a Box containing <Sir HG Liddells> Lead. As to the Slag &c we shall certainly return it, and are much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken on this Occasion. We are very sorry that Thos. Temperley was so imprudent as to set out for <Alston> in so bad a Day, but are however happy to find that no ill consequence has attended this Imprudence. The Assays we recd. in yours of the 28th. are as follows; <4> for the Operation N dwt gr .. as to Lough Vein Ore, <Cows>hill one Assay 6. 7. 9. 6 <p J..> Brownley Hill Moss Cross Vn. Assay 3. 8 14. 4 Cowhill 2 Assays 6.14. 18. - Carrs West of Nent 2 Do. 4. 5. 18. - Old Cowslitts & Cowslitts Cross Vn. 2 Do. 6.14 18. - Hangingshaws East End 2 Do. 2.18 19. 2 Wellop <H……> 2 Do. 6. 9. 20. 4 Carrs East of Nent 2 Do. 3.13 12. - Snittergill Hills 2 Do. 10. 3. 8. 4 You will be so obliging as compare this wth. yr. Accts. as we apprehend some little Errors have arose. Price of Lead £16. 10 to 12/6 per Fodder Refined. Silver 5s/7 ¾d. per Ounce tho to be lower. What you propose respecting an Assay Office is perfectly agreeable to us, and we desire you will get it done in that way which you like best yourselves, only we think the side Walls shd. be raised so high as to make the roof ranges fair with the Roof of the Office, and this we apprehend you mean to do. We hope there is now no fear but that Mr. Walton’s first calculation as to the Quantity of Ore for this year will be exceeded, Viz 3500 Bings, as we observe 3285 ? Bings has been recd. the 30 Ulto. as appears by the Operation. Pray acquaint <Matt> Temperley that his Weekly accts. must begin wth. No. 1 instead of No. 3, and desire he will not write any thing on the back of them for the time to come as we wish to <ticket> them ourselves. His acct. ending the 6th. Inst must therefore be No. 3 & some as to the <.i..d.. …..> they are quite right. If you got a Bill of <Payment> along with the Iron <Plates ……. From Bl…….> abt the Chimney, pray send it here, if you have it<or not we desire to know wch …… ….. it …… to us> We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner