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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 9th. July 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 4th. & 7th. Inst and much approve of what you have done as to the Lead Carriage. We think it extremely hard indeed that James Johnson should be discharged after the great loss which he has sustained & think the treatment of him unjust if he himself was not somehow to blame. We have ordered a Cask of Gunpowder for the Limestone Quarry at Langley to be sent by J. Johnson on Friday. You are desired to speak to James Johnson & Jno. Corbet when you have opportunity & let them know we take it much amiss from them that they or their Men would scarcely take the Bone Ashes under their care which they could not carry last Friday. As they could only take part of them Mr. Harvey desired them only to take the others to their Warehouses which they c[oul]d scarcely do, but were at last with difficulty prevailed upon to take them. We can scarcely refrain letting <………> have the carriage of the remainder which will be 50 Casks but will not determine that yet. As Joe Robson has the character of being a good Smelter we think it will be right to give him a Tryal in case Liddle shd. leave us, but at all Events let him strictly be enjoined as to what will be expected from him. We are Your Humble Servt. Walton & Turner