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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 9th. April 1784 We recd. yours of the 4th. inst and have written to Mr. Thornton to get the Plans of Harsondale, Sillywray & Plankey Pasture Farms, and have ordered him to deliver them to you; and you are desired to keep them ’til we come to the Mill. We hope all the Lead will be got in by the 19th. but rather doubt Thomas Ions will fall short. We have written to Mr. Mentam about the Test Bottoms. We have recd. Thos. Temperley’s Accts. for the last three Weeks. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. In the Accts. of Ore smelted last Operation you have set down Dowgang & Brigal Burn 2. 1 1/5 shd. have been 2. 1 4/5 & we have so made it in the Operation here.