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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 8 Nov. 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 7th. & 8th. Inst and are glad to find that the Matter as to the Poor Rate stands so well for the present; we are also glad to find that Mr. Fawcett is by no means clear that Lead Mills are rateable. We desire no Difficulty may be made as to the 40/s extraordinary charged for Stublick Colliery, and therefore you will pay the Tax according to the Assessment, and we approve very much, not only of what you have done, but as to the Sentiments you have expressed to us on this Occasion. This Day having been very fine and very promising for a fine Day tomorrow, we hope the Wheel Case and everything will get on quickly. We are very much concerned on acct. of Francis Carr. You receive herewith a Recommendation to the Infirmary, and if he can come down to N Castle on Thursday first so as to be at the Infirmary at Eleven o’ Clock, it is our wish that he shd. do so, because no time shd. be lost in such a Complaint. We heartily wish to have him got well again, and hope the Infirmary Governor will not look upon his Case as an Objectionable one. It will now be necessary to have Wm. Forster immediately, and any further Man we desire may be got with[ou]t in the least interfering wth. the Governor & Company. We have recd. the Coal Accts. & Receipt for the Furnace Door Plates. We are Your Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner