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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 8th March 1783 Above [below] you have the remaining observations upon the Operations and we shall be glad to hear from you in answer to the whole when your convenience admits. We wish the next Operation not to be made out till every thing is as far finished for last years Ore &c as can be and all the Lead delivered & you’ll remember that the mark is to continue 82 till that time & then commence 83. You are desired to press the Carriers to get in the Lead with all Expedition. There were no less than 1327 pieces of Lead lying somewhere between the Mill & Newcastle on the 6th of this Month. Refined Lead £19. 10. __ per Fodder Fine Silver ….. 6. 1 1/4 per Ounce We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner PS The weight of the Assays of the Refined Lead last operation were in dwn 8 – 80 9-19-2 4- -80 in the <mal? Weight & 4-80 in 9-19-2 p fodder. Memorandums on examining Langley Mill Operations 1782 June 29 Ore Smelted Unrefinable Bings Cwt Pieces Brownley hill Moss Cross Vein 56 2 produced for Sale 1 1/2 Cwt each 195 of which one of 1 Cwt. from Carrs last year 2 Alter the Operation you have so as to correspond with the above and let the NB for Lead sent to Newcastle stand. 1783 February 22 Stock of Refineable Lead of 1 Cwt each 133 shd be 134 1782 Dec 28 Stock of Litharge 210 16 shd. Be 209 2 18 But Query whether the Quantity saved in Operation ending 28 Decembr. shd. not be 39. 2. __ & not 39. __ 2 as it is set down in the Operation because if 39. 2. __ the Stock as in Operation will <be> right & as it makes little difference I have made it 39. 2. __ in the Operation & I desire you’ll alter the Operations you have to make it correspond. 1783 Feb 22nd Stock of Litharge 341 1 13 Clearly shd. Be 241 1 13 [see also associated table in spreadsheet file ‘TNA ADM 66 98 Greenwich Hosp Lead Mill Lttrs 1782-87 tbc’]