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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 8 Feb. 1785 We have recd. your Letter of the 6th. January 1785 which shd. have been February, and are much Obliged by yr. attention and particular Acct. concerning the situation of a Mill for Mr. Jobling, and are glad to find that our Sentiments and yours so very much coincide upon the Business, most of the Circumstances having been mentioned by Mr. Walton to Mr. Jobling when he was at Farnacres. Any further Remarks you may think necessary we shall be glad from time to time to receive from you, and Mr. Walton will certainly view the Situation before any Determination is come to, and consult with you upon the Spot, but this cannot be done ’til the Snow is off the Ground. The Situation near the Mill seems to be the thing most desirable. We are Your &c W&T