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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 8 February 1784 On looking over the Assays we find the following Errors. <..> 80ths 1/2 lb 1783 Dec 10 Dowke Burn 1 2 - 9 18 10 8 shd be 10 21 6 1/2 lb Browngill Sun Vein 1 20 -11 - 12 - shd be 12 5 - - 1/2 lb Refineable Lead 1 9 -10 7 - 6 shd be 10 18 1 2 1/4 lb 1784 Jan 22 Keswick Minerals 2 63 -54 12 16 8 shd be 59 10 16 3 We have recd. your Letters of the 30th. Ult. & 2nd. instant together with the Operation for January, Thos. Temperley’s Accts., & all the Assays you mention. We are particularly obliged by your attention to the smelting of 100 Bings of Lough Vein Ore, but you have given yourselves a great deal more trouble than ever we intended you shd. have. What we wished was to have the Trial of this 100 Bings made exactly in the same manner as that wch. was made of the 50 Bing, so that we might know what Quantity of Coals &c were consumed & the charge of Smelting. We also wished to know not only the Weight of the Lead but the Weight of the Grey Slags & also the Black Slags, with an Acct. of the Lead wch. was in the Hearths at commencing the Work & also after finishing. Your Views in this Trial seem to have been so uncertain whether there was any Profit or Loss by purchasing Lough Vein Ore at £4. 1 - per Bing. Our principal View was to ascertain the Produce and what proportion the Weight of the Lead of different sorts, the Weight of the Grey Slags, & the Weight of the Black Slags respectively bore to the whole Quantity of Ore. Since writing this last part we find the <Abstract> Acct, in Columns gives every Information as to the 50 Bings. If you know the Weight of the Grey Slags & Black Slags themselves from the 100 Bings pray let us know, as that will compleat our Wishes. The 51 pieces of 8 Stone Lead we desire may not be sent to Newcastle ’til further order. The manner in wch. you have reported the Cowhill &c Lead in the Operation will do very well. It is now a Frost & likely to continue wch. we are sorry for on your Acct. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We see that our Letter abt. the Trial of the 100 Bings has been the occasion of giving you all the addit[iona]l Trouble.