Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Apr 1785

Document Type: Letter
Date: 8 Apr 1785
Correspondent: Nicholas Walton
Recipient: Peter Mulcaster
Archive Source: TNA ADM 66 98
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Messrs. Mulcaster						Farnacres 8 April 1785

      We have recd. your Letters of the 30th. March and 1st. & 5th. instant.

      Having understood some time ago that everything concerning the Fencing at Sillywray, and the manner of doing the work had been fixed, we are rather surprised at your mentioning our giving full orders to Mr. Thornton abt. this matter the last time he was here but one. We now desire that the Fencing at Sillywray, & what is needful as to making a Road for your entering the Ground which has been allotted to you may be done with all expedition, and in such way as to be perfectly agreeable to yourselves.

      We very much approve of your beginning the Cut for a new Reservoir, and of your making this cut 9 ft, wide, but in proceeding further, you are desired to make it 12 ft, wide, and it shd. be so deep as that the Bottom of it will be upon a Level with the Bottom of the Sluice or opening which carries the Water out of the present Dam into the Trough Leading to the Smelting Mill Wheel. If the Cut shd. not be cast so deep it may be lowered afterwards, and that may be determined the first time we come to the Mill.

      We are glad to hear that the Masons are getting forward in winning Stones, and desire you will push them as much as possible to exert themselves, the Weather being now very fine, and we hope likely to continue so. We must depend upon you with the assistance of Mr. Thornton to agree for the carriage of the Stones and Slates, and also the Wood wch. is to come from Capons Cleugh, Woodhall, and Coasteley, and we beg nothing may be done by Day, that can possibly be avoided. The Bricks will be so near that it certainly will be proper to lead them by the Day, and employ Labourers to load the Carriages, but no Contracts must be made yet, tho’ it will be proper to be making Enquiry. We now have no doubt that Mr. Bedlington and his Partners, who have taken Throckley Colliery, will undertake the Carriage of our Lead from the Turnpike side at abt. the half a mile beyond Newburn Lane End, and carry the same down to N Castle from that place at 1d. per piece, or perhaps less; and therefore Wm. Pattinson will probably be a likely person to contract for carrying the Stones for the new Mill; however we mention this to yourselves for the present, and believe it will be after May day before we can make any Agreement wth. Mr. Bedlington. James Johnson is to have the Carriage of the Wood & Deals, but must take these Articles from Mr. Harvey at the same rate as if they were delivered at Newburn, because we find that Mr. Harvey himself makes ½d. per ft difference between delivering the Wood in his yard or at Newburn, and delivering it into the Carriages at Newcastle Quay, so you will take care to mention this to James Johnson at the first Opportunity.

      We have ordered 8 Bars of <Sqr> Iron for <Gavelocks> & Grate Barrs &c which will come on Monday. We really think there might be something considerable saved by having the furnace Grate Barrs of Cast Iron, as we hear Cast Iron is now selling for 10s. or 11s. per Cwt. The iron for the intended Alterations had best be let alone ’til we see further.

      We have sent the Sketch of the Coal House and Lime House to Mr. Bewcastle to make an Estimate by, and approve of what you advise as to the height and sizes of them.

      We find upon examining Mr. James Mulcaster’s Drawing or side View, the following Errors either in drawing or setting down the Dimensions. viz.

As to the Smelting Bellows

From the total covering of the Board with Leather to and with the Hooping for the Pipe 3ft. is only 2ft. 8ins. according to the Sketch.

Length of the Pipe from the Hoop to the Nozzle 1ft. 5ins. but by Sketch is 2ft. 6ins. and indeed we are inclined to think it ought to be 2ft 6ins as the length of the Pipe for the Refining Bellows is 2ft. 3 ½ ins from the Hoop.

As to Refining Bellows

Length of Boards 4ft 5ins. by Sketch 4ft. 11ins.

      We perceive that the measures set down are right, and that there has been an Error in drawing except as to the length of the pipe of the Smelting Bellows, and we really think that the measure of that Pipe from the Hoop to the Nozzle shd. be 2ft. 5ins. or 2ft. 6ins. instead of 1ft. 5ins. as set down. You do not take Notice that the extremity of that part of the Pipe in the Smelting Bellows near the <nose> shd. be made to point a small matter downward from the General Direction, and therefore be so good as to let us know this the first Opportunity. You will also let us know at the same time whether anything is necessary to be pointed out to the Bellows maker on this acct. with regard to the Refining Bellows. We perfectly understand everything else relative to the Bellows and when we order them shall certainly attend to the hints you have given us.

      As the Stocks and Screw Plates, we find from Thomas Wood, are got done by John Hall of <Hexham>, to be sure what he has done must be taken from him, and the sooner you get them the better; but Thomas Wood advises our having a <Brew> Plate made here for the <following signs …. ….. 2/8 inch – full 5/8 inch and full 4/8 inch which we have accordingly ordered from <..>

      We have recd. Matthew Temperley’s two Last Weeks Accts. and observe that 44 Bushels of Rye have been ordered by Thos. Temperley for the Nent Force Level Men.

      We have made enquiry, and find that what George Turner’s Son requires is the same that is allowed by Sir Henry Liddell, and we dare say you may venture upon allowing Geo. Turner’s Son what he requires. You are desired to get new Moulds made 10 inches long by 5 inches broad & 2 ½ Inches thick; as to the Duty, the Excise Officer will certainly set you right.

      We entirely approve of what has been done as to the carriage of the Ore from Blagill. We are

      Your Hble Servants

      Walton & Turner

PS. We wish that the making of the Moulds according to the above Dimensions may be under the Brick makers own Directions, and the sooner they are made the better as our people will have more time now than afterwards.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467