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Farnacres 7th. March 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster I have this moment rec’d. yours of the 6th. instant, and approve of your having wrote to John Friend along with our Letter. I have not heard any thing yet from Mr. Hall and shall not make the least application to him about the Cupola. You are desired to reacquaint our Workmen that if they go to the Cupola and impertinently thrust themselves into the Work going forward there, they must look out for work elsewhere than at Langley Mill and you are desired to speak to every one of our Workmen to the above Purport. It will be proper to wait ’til you see if any persons offer to supply the place of Thomas Gray, by which means you may be likely to pick up a good Smelter instead of a learner. I am Your Hble. Servt. Nich. Walton Junr.
Handwriting in original faded and difficult to read.