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Farnacres 7th January 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have recd. your Letter of the 4th Inst. with the Operations for last Month and <10> Assays for the Refineable & Refined Lead &of last Cake which weighed 554 ½ Ounces. We are much obliged by the information and your sentiments respecting the sale of the Blagill Ore but we hope the effects of the bouncing & buying this Year will not be so serious as you seem to apprehend. If Mr. Hall had done this business quietly it would have been more likely to answer his end but he has raised such an opposition that we are of opinion the Lead Mine Adventurers will be more likely to be profited than hurt. We are glad you observe that no Lead has been Stolen since your last previous to the 4th. Inst. We heartily wish you & Friends many happy Years and are Yr. Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner