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Copy of Mr. Ismay’s Letter, one of the Partners in Throckley Colliery, to Mr. Walton Junr. Dear Sir, I am very sorry any Misunderstanding shd. have happened abt. the Coals for your Mill which you may depend shall be immediately set right to your entire satisfaction. I am &c Thos. Ismay March 6th. 1786 Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres March 6. 1786 Above you have a Copy of Mr. Thos. Ismay’s Letter in consequence of one which I wrote him yesterday, and I hope we shall have no further Difficulty in this Matter; but if there shd. be, pray let us know immediately. It is not at all material that you have marked some of the Lough Vein Lead with only one L at each end , as enough will <come> in that way which we have pointed out which is with 2 Ls at each end. I am Yr. Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr.