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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 5 March 1786 We have this Evening recd. your two Letters of the 2nd. & 4th. Inst, both of which were left at Arthur Robsons by the South side post of this Day. We observe what you say respecting the Lead Ore that has been found near Haydon Bridge. Whatever the Value of the Ore may be that has been found by the Davisons, we desire you will purchase it at what you think it is worth, and make them allow One penny only as an Acknowledgement, and take the Ore to Langley Mill even tho’ we shd. be somewhat out of Pocket by the Bargain; but if they will not sell it at what you think it is worth, you must tell them that it is at their peril they dispose of it. We have tho[ugh]t of this as a better way than taking ?th. part of the Ore, as we had given Directions to Wm. Coats to do, and therefore desire you will let Wm. Coats know this. Wm. Coats says the whole Weight of the Ore is no more than 2 st. 3 lbs. We cannot help thinking John Mulcaster’s Observ[atio]ns on this Occasion to be very proper. When Wm. Armstrong Junr. was here he was acquainted that if the Freeholders who had a right on Langley South Common and the Tenants of Greenwich Hospital wd. join in the expense of building a Herds House and maintaining a Herd on the said Common, we would take upon us to recommend it to the Commiss[ione]rs & Gov. of Greenwich Hospital to contribute Ten Pounds per Annum towards the keep of the Herd, but we can by no means think it right at present to fix upon a plan <drawn> in <Idea> where the House ought to be built, but at all Events, it wd. seem folly in an extreme degree to build it in such a situation (this to yourselves) as to make us liable to an immediate Suit. Our wish is to have Estimates made of the expense of building a Herds House in different Situations not liable to the Objection above mentioned; and in general we must observe that we think the Situation for a Herd ought not only to be where he can have a good view, but that it shd. not be either too far West of too far East, for build it where you will it will be impossible for him to see the whole of the Boundary, and the use of a Herd will not be by his standing at the Door, but by moving from one part of the Common to another near the Boundary so as to prevent the Cattle & Sheep of persons having no right thereon by his passing. If after such Estimates as are before mentioned are laid before the Freeholders and the Hospitals Tenants who have a right on Langley South Common, this shd. be a measure approved of, we shd. be glad to give it our hearty Support. We have wrote to one of the Partners at Throckley Colliery concerning the Coals, and hope that matter will be got set right. We join with you in Opinion that it will be necessary to raise the price of the Carriage to 12d. but it certainly will be right to try what can be done first without making any Alteration as to price. If any more Ore shd. be got near Haydon Bridge we are to have ?th. for Duty, and you are desired to let Wm. Coats know this. We are Yr Hble Servts. Walton & Turner