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Farnacres 5th. March 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have recd. your Letters of the 26th. Ult. and 3rd. Inst and tho’ you very possibly may not be told by any of the Companys Agents that you may go and see the working of the Ore Furnace, if you shd. you certainly may go without hearing from us further and the moment we receive any Account from Mr. Hall, if ever we do receive any, you shall hear from us. We shall be glad to be informed of every thing wch. comes to your knowledge relative to this busyness from time to time as it occurs. From the Accounts you have it does not seem very promising but we must not say anything of that except amongst ourselves. We are very happy to have taken the steps we have concerning the Lead Ore Carriage and very possibly the Co. will do as we have done as it is plain they have something of the kind in their heads. Sixpence will not answer; at least we think so. The Operation ending the 25 January is corrected according to your desire. It gives us concern to hear of Pattinsons accident but we are glad to hear he is in a likely way of soon getting well again and that he thinks the Black <Bear> has been of use to him. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner Refined Lead £19.10 per Fodder Silver Bullion 6. 1 ½ per Ounce