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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 5 Feb. 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 3rd. Inst with the several papers therein mentioned, and shall, as soon as we have time, attend to the Observations you have furnished us with respecting the Operations. We are very sorry to hear that Matt. Temperley still continues poorly, and shall be very glad to hear in your next that he gets better. We very much approve of what you have done as to the Lead Carriers, & shall write to John Ramsay as to the <miping> of the Lead. We are Yr. Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. The matter as to the Bailiff’s place is now fixed and Wm. Coats is the Man. We doubt not any Assistance wch. you may see necessary to be given to Matt.w Temperley will be given by you, but we desire you will see him & ask him, & you may be assured that you shall be satisfied for any Trouble you may have respecting his Business ’til he gets better. You are desired to acquaint Matt.w Temperley with what we have ment[ione]d to you as to him and that it shall make no Difference to him and that we hope he will take care of himself & get well as soon as possible.