Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 4 Mar 1785

Document Type: Letter
Date: 4 Mar 1785
Correspondent: Nicholas Walton
Recipient: Peter Mulcaster
Archive Source: TNA ADM 66 98
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Messrs. Mulcaster						Farnacres 4 March 1785

      Since writing ours of the 27th. Ult. yours of the 22nd. & 23 Ult. & your two of the 1st. Inst. and one of the 2nd. Inst. have all come to hand, as also the Operation for February. We are obliged to you for what you mention concerning the Workmen & Prices of the Blagill Company for Smelting &c and as Mr. Walton is soon to be with you, we must defer saying anything on that subject.

      We observe what you say as to the Rye, and shall take <care> to attend to that.

      We have altered the Operations agreeable to yours of the 28th. Feb. but only found two of them wrong.

      Mr. Jobling’s Proposals and our Report are gone to London, and we hope to receive an Answer very soon; but very soon applied to such great Bodies as we have to deal with cannot compared with the Distance between here and London be at all applied in point of expedition to the Correspondence between you and us. The Plan of Mr. James Mulcaster recd along with yours of the 1st. Inst. is very satisfactory to us, and we will keep it ’til Mr. Walton comes up to the Mill which nothing but Frost & Snow prevents his doing. You will then see from the Plan which he will produce that your Intentions have not been misunderstood. We are all liable to Errors, and our Plan is not without, as you will observe when you see it. You may acquaint Wm. Brown that Mr. Walton will speak to Mrs. Brown abt. the Ground which the Blagill Company are to have (if they are to have a Mill at Langley) the first time he comes to the Mill, and we think what you have done & said upon this occasion is perfectly right. She wd. be imprudent indeed if she were to part with her Stock without knowing why.

      What Mr. Peter Mulcaster has intimated has been attended to, and Mr. Wm. Jobling has been wrote to this Day, giving him an Intimation that nothing obnoxious may be introduced.  We are

      Your Hble Servts.

      Walton & Turner

PS. We are now quite satisfied that there was no difficulty as to the <fixing> of the Bellows.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467