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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 4th. July 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 28th Ult. & 1st Inst. and are glad to find you have got our Letters about the Rye. We have no doubt you get Mr. Harbottles best Corn but it cannot always be expected to weigh alike & we hope it will be found good. You have done and propose everything that can be respecting the Lead Carriers’ delivery of the Lead, except that it is believed if the Carriers at Newcastle would <each> name a person to whom they would wish to have their Tickets delivered & let that person always know what number of pieces they carry at the time when they deliver them Mr. Harvey would in such case give that person the Ticket when perhaps it might not be in his power to deliver the Carrier himself one & the Carrier might get the Ticket the next journey. This you may mention at your leisure. We have recd. the Operations for last Month and Thomas Temperleys Accounts for <two weeks>. It gives us much pleasure to hear the disorder has abated. If Composition is pd. for your Farms we think you must not contribute as Householders. When we come to Langley Mill we shall be glad to take the <overflowings> of the Purse and are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner