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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 4 Feb. 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 1st. & 2nd. Inst. Mr. Walton only ordered 20 Bolls. of Rye, but did not give the Order in Writing. You have done right in acquainting Thos. Temperley with the Price of the Rye and also of the Sacks, as also in what you have done respect[in]g Wm. Johnson. We only wish to know the Weight of the Ore Tails as at first taken off, because we certainly must consider them as to produce Cutting Ore, and we leave it to your Discretion, after having given you this Hint, to make such use of it as you think proper, and it will be well for us to know the Weight of the Ore after washed. The Errors which you mention to have been made in the Operations we will set right. The Report which we have recd. concerning Plankey Mill & Grounds is now quite sufficient for us to proceed upon. The Sum due from Thos. Coats for Coals deliv[ere]d by Thomas Temperley is £3 - 6 being for 181 ½ Loads at 4d. and as we have charged Matthew Temperley’s Accts. with this Sum, when you get it from Coats, you will consider it as recd. by Matthew. We are Your &c W&T