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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 4 Decr. 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 3rd. Inst with an Acct. of all the Ore deliv[ere]d at Langley Mill for the present year, and desire either of you, John Friend & Thos. Temperley may come down as soon as possible after you have made up your Minds when the Pay may be made so as to suit your own Convenience, but the very sooner the better, and we have no objection to your paying the expense of a Special Messenger, and as everything is ready as to the Account we beg to see you as above directed on Monday first in the Morning early, when we shall have everything ready for you and hope by that time you will be able to make out and deliver to us a General Acct. of all the Ore deliv[ere]d. We however do not make a point of that, and are satisfied you will send it as soon after as possible if you do not bring it wth. you. We are Yr Hble Servts. Walton & Turner