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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 31st. March 1785 I think it will be right to have the Bellows for Refining and the new Smelting Bellows exactly of the same dimensions as those we have in the Refinery and the High Mill and I desire Mr. James will make a side View drawing of each sort shewing the form and length of the pipe as in his little drawing which reads the wrong way when turned wth. the Low Mill Northw[ar]d and the sooner the better as I will order them the moment the directions come from London. The side View I would have drawn upon a Scale of 6 Feet in one inch. Thomas Wood is desired to consider how much the Present Water Wheels can be made broader because it may be found that they will not hold Water enough with the present Buckets. The Stamp Mill Wheel need not be broader in the Rim than our present Wheels. I am Your Humble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. PS. Thomas Wood said he thought an improvement might be made as to the Bellows Pipes pray consult with him about that.