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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 31st March 1783 We have recd. yours of the 24th & 25th instant and, at times convenient to you, shd. be glad to hear from you as to the Cupola Smelting. You need not send the Pay Bills to Farnacres, and in case the Stone Walls are not finished even at the time of the Pay, they may be measured off, and some Money rested in your Hand ’til the Work is finished. What you have done as to Thomas Stokow is perfectly right. The Silver is recd. and weighs 436 ½ Ounces. We are glad to see the <Reducing> is going on so well. We have recd. the Assays you mention, and shall be glad to receive the Silver of the Slag Lead &c immediately after being taken off. We doubt after all that <Wm> Richardson will fall short and not deserve the service of Doctor. We are very glad you expect to have occasion to set on more Smelters, and as we always thought Wm. Robson the best of the Family, if you see no Objection <and there should be need in for more Hands, we shd. be glad he might be tried. Silver is now 6s. 4d. per Ounce, and Refined Lead £19. 10. per Fodder, Currently we have sold 3000 pieces at £19. 10 <L. made> £19.5.0. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS They have cut a Vein in Nent Force Level. As we find it is not Wm. Robson let the matter rest.