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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 31st. Decr. 1784 We have your Letters of the 21st. & 27th. now before us, the former of which we before acknowledged the Rect. of and acquainted you that all would be right as to the Rye account which we observe you take Notice of in your Letter of the 27th. We write to Mr. Thornton this Day about paying you the £15. We have recd. Matthew Temperley’s Acct. and also the Mill Operation for the present Month. We desire that you will take the first convenient Opportunity of seeing all the Hexham Carriers, and of acquainting them that if we find ourselves neglected by them as to the carriage of the Langley Mill Lead, we shall most undoubtedly get a new set of Carriers, and never employ one of them again. If after your seeing the Hexham Carriers, as you mention in yr. Letter, you find them likely to go on promptly, you need not say anything further at present; and we think it will be right, as you suggest, to make Enquiry as to the Character of the Newburn Wherrymen. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We heartily wish you many happy new Years.