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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 30th. May 1783 Since sending our Letter to Mr. Saint’s Printing Office we have recd. your Letter of the 28th Inst acquainting us that Johnson & <Corbetts Waggons> are nowhere, instead of now here, and that they have brought 42 Bolls of Rye. This Rye it is intended shall be sent to John Friend and by way of saving time we inclose you a copy of our Letter of the 26th. taken from the Original we wrote, by the Copying Press, which you are desired to return, first taking a Copy in Case you find that necessary , which it will be , if you have not recd. the Original. We shall see Mr. Harbottle tomorrow & will afterwards write to you as to price. Possibly the market may be lowered but we cannot think it & believe we can depend on your having the the Best from him. What you have done is perfectly right as to Stublick Colliery and it will not be worth while to put the workmen upon taking the Sacks, we will therefore order them all to be marked GH and take the loss of Wear and tear entirely out of the Account. The Men shall not <be hurt.> This to y[our]selves The 2 Pays are recd. and also T. Temperleys Accounts. Brownbyhill Moss Cross Vein Lead as last year, we observe is not Refineable; but Lough Vein as last year Refineable tho’ better than before. We have made out the Mill Account and there <remains> an agreeable Balance in favour of the undertaking which circumstance we mention to you as being expressive of our entire approbation of your industry and attentions. We are Your Hble Servants Walton & Turner PS. We look upon it that your not receiving our Letter as to the Pays is as either a great neglect in <Mr. Harbottles or Thomas Johnsons Men>.