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Farnacres 30th January 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have recd your Letter of the 19th & 20th inst. and entirely approve of your having postponed your Journey to Keswick ’til fresh Weather and doubt not that the first Opportunity will be taken of doing the Business according to our desire as expressed in our Letter of the 11th Inst. As you have been refused seeing the Process as to the Smelting in the Air Furnace, we shall apply to the Company immediately. If Mr. Smith comes to you we desire you will shew him every Civility, & let him see every thing he may wish to see. The price of 3 ½ per yard seems a fair one for leading Stones for the Lead yard, but if you can get the Leading at 3d pray do so. You are desired to acquaint us at what times Wm. Wilsons Cow and your Horses died or were rendered useless and as many particulars as you can recollect as to their Illness & being affected by the poisonous Quality of the Lead Mill Smoke, and also let us have a careful and particular Valuation of the Cow and Horses. This we think necessary for our own private Information. We are Yours &c N.W. Junr. J.C.T. PS. If Mr. Ions people still neglect to give Re[ceip]ts you must immediately order the Carriers to take all the Lead immediately to Newcastle and not carry One Pig to Newburn.