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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 30 Decr. 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 25t. & 26th. Inst, and under the Circumstances respecting the Wheel for the Stamp Mill, think that it will be proper, when the Weather will admit of it, to have a Temporary kind of Casing to extend upwards from the Level of the Centre of the Wheel to a little above the Bottom of the Trough where the Water is delivered, which will prevent the Wind acting upon the Water so as to blow it sideways, and also to prevent the Water from flying forward so as not to inconvenience the Workmen. The Gunpowder was ordered very soon after you left this place; we have again wrote to Mr. Wilkinson about it. We have wrote to Messrs. Temperley & Friend such a Letter as we hope will have the desired Effect, as to the Tontale Ore, and we very much Approve of your Conduct on the Occasion. We very much wish you & yours Many happy Years & are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner