Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Nov 1783

Document Type: Letter
Date: 3 Nov 1783
Correspondent: Nicholas Walton
Recipient: Peter Mulcaster
Archive Source: TNA ADM 66 98
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Messrs. Mulcaster						Farnacres 3rd. Nov. 1783

      We have never had time to look into your Memorandum til this moment.

      You are desired yourselves to write to Mr. <Mentam> and order a necessary Supply of Cast Iron Hearth Stones, and the sooner that is done the better. We have ordered 3 Bundles, one strong Hoop, & the other very <slender> Hoop Iron, & the third strong Nail Rod Iron which will come by John Corbett this day.

      As the reasons you have given for opening a new Road leading from Langley Castle by the Lime Kiln & Lead Mill appear to us very sufficient, we desire you will not give yourselves any further trouble in preventing Passengers going that way, but we think it will be proper silently to allow this, as we may possibly be directed to stop there being a publick Road by the Lead Mill.

      We must desire your advice wth. respect to what is to be done wth. the School House. Our wish is to have it converted into a Cottage, but if that shd. be done it wd. seem reasonable that those persons who contributed towards the building of it shd. be reimbursed some part of the Money wch. they expended, or on acct. of the Work they did, and therefore be so good as to send us an Acct. shewing the names of the Contributors and the Amount of the Contributions including the Money that Mr. Peter Mulcaster is out of pocket by the Undertaking.

      As we are desirous to state to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital the particular losses which have been sustained by the Farmers at Langley Lead Mill since those for which Allowances were made, you are desired to make out one general State of Facts, as we shall be glad to render all the Sufferers every Service in our power. It will be necessary to state the Amount of each persons Loss, and we shall be glad to hear from you concerning this the very first Opportunity. We are

	Your Hble Servts.


PS. Yours of the 26th. & 28th. are now before us & we have recd. the several Accounts therein referred to involving the Operation for October. The two Accts one for 9s/6d & the other for £5. 3s were both found among the Papers, as we have mentioned to you before. Tho’ the Company’s Carriers are given over, we still have Hopes not to fall much short of 3500 Bings.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467