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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd. Mar: 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 1st. inst with the Operation for February. What you have done as to the 34 pieces of Common Lead (in reality 51 of 1 Cwt.) is perfectly right, and with regard to the Slag Lead wch. has been refined you will report that in the same manner as you do the Refineable Ore Lead, taking Notice that the Silver is not yet taken off. On examining the last Operation and comparing it with that of the 31st. January, we find some Errors wch. we shall endeavour to explain to you as follows. _ 31st. Janry. 1784. Stock of Common Slag Lead 14 pieces produced in February 16, together 30. In the Operation ending the 28th. of Feby. you have set down 30 pieces of Litharge & Black Slag & Test Bottom Lead marked OS as deliv.d for Newcastle, in our opinion those 30 pieces ought to have been set down as Common Slag Lead wch. wd. have balanced the Acct. for the Common Slag Lead, and left no Stock. 31st Janry. there was no Stock of Litharge & Black Slag & Test Bottom Lead. In February there were 25 pieces of that kind of Lead produced. In Operation ending 28 Febry. you report 17 pieces of Unrefinable or Common Slag Lead marked LS as sent to Newcastle. In our opinion the 17 pieces ought to have been set down as Litharge Slag, Black Slag & Test Bottom Lead wch. wd. leave 8 pieces for Stock, whereas you have no Stock at all set down in the Operation. We inclose you a Paper shewing in what manner we apprehend those Errors shd. be set right, but shall not alter the Operation ’til we hear from you. As Mr. King buys his Fire Clay of us, we must deal wth. him for Bricks &c. We shall pay Mr. Harbottle for the Rye and are Your Hble Servts Walton & Turner