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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd, June 1783 Having occasion to look into the Accts. for the Ore of 1781 we find that in Operation ending the 26th. January 1782 you report 595 pieces of Refined Lead to have been produced from 1028 <Cwt> pieces and in Operation end. the 23rd February you report that the 1008 & 693 making together 1701 <……> produced 1006 pieces of Refined Lead but in your <Book> where the produces of all kinds of Lead are set down you have the following entry. Time when weighed No pieces Cwt.Qrs.Lb. Total No. Total Weight of pieces Cwt. Qrs. Lb. 1782 Jan 19 598* 897 9 Febry 2 199 309 10 9 212 318 3 5 1009 1515 3 24 * see above only 595 We think this matter was explained by you some time ago but are not quite certain & therefore you will examine <with> it and let us hear from you. We are Yr. Hble Servts. Walton & Turner