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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd June 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 29th & 30th & 31st Ulto. and are glad you have a prospect of a School again. You shall not be out of pocket by it. If John Havelock can carry the whole of the Corn including <a better> Quantity we beg he may have the whole. We shall not pay Johnson & Corbett more than 11d per Boll. to the Mill. If you think it improper for J & C to have the Alston Corn taken from them we shall acquiesce but we wish to prefer Havelock. We are obliged by your attention to the Smoke & desire you’ll take care not to break your Necks. We are very glad to see the produce from the Reducing Furnace is good this Operation & hope it will continue good. We are Your Hble Servants Walton & Turner PS. We shall be glad to have Mr. Swinburn and Edward Swift taken in at the <Deanraw> School as Original Subscribers but think they shd. pay something. this we leave entirely to you.