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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd. Feb: 1786 We recd. your Letter of the 30 Ult. by Wm. Armstrong Junr. and are glad to learn that Mr. Peter got well home, & that he has done the needful as to the hand Bills concerning the Lead which was stolen. We have, as far as we can, agreed with Wm. Armstrong Junr. for Dewey Syke for one Year. It gives us much Concern to hear of Matthew Temperley’s Indisposition, but hope from the Acct. you give of him, that he will soon get well again, as we also do that Jno. Friend’s Wife will get the better of her Complaint. We are Yr. Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We are in no hurry either about the Operation or Matt. Temperley’s Accts.