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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd. Febry. 1785 The bearer Mr. Jobling comes to consult with you concerning a Situation for a Lead Mill and we think that there will certainly be an opportunity of making such a Building with suitable conveniences near to our Low Mill & are of Opinion that the nearer to that Mill the better as possibly at some future Time it may be of use to Greenwich Hospital connected with our present Works and by bringing up a Level from the Staple that is sunk into the shake of the Limestone the new Mill may assuredly be built very near our low Mill. There will be an additional damage by more Smoke being produced & Langley Castle Farm will be hurt in consequence of a new erection & therefore it ought to be considered what Grounds shd. be taken on by Mr. Jobling & Co. to go along with the new Mill which we shd. imagine ought to take in yr. Pasture and the Ground East of it where the new Walls were lately built & you will also consider what Gr[oun]d ought to be taken by Mr. Jobling & Co. North of the Burn. We shall be glad to have your full Opinion as to the whole of this Business and are Yr. Hble Servts. Walton & Turner