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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd. Decr. 1784 We have recd. yours of the 30th. & 31st. Ult. and are glad to be confirmed in the expectation of the Ore Carriage being over this Week. We are much obliged by your giving us the Information respecting Plankey Mill & Grounds, and as we cannot but think that it might be a convenience to Greenwich Hospital to make a Purchase, if the same can be done on proper Terms, we shall most undoubtedly attend to this matter, and think ourselves obliged to Major Surtees to whom we have this day written on the Subject. We shall be obliged to you both if you will view the Estate along with Mr. Thornton, and let us have your joint Sentiments as to the value to a Purchase, and you’ll take care to attend particularly to the Condition of the Dam. We are sorry to hear that the Alston Road is likely to be hurt by too much Carriage being upon it; we cannot however blame ourselves on this account; but pray do you think that our leaving off the carriage to Newburn is any degree that cause of this? We shd. be glad to have your Sentiments fully on this Subject and are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner