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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 29 Octor. 1785 On looking into Langley Lime Kiln Accts. and comparing it with Stublick Colliery Accounts I find that the Quantities of Coals deliv[ere]d from the Colliery & the Number of Fodders set down in the Pay Bill do not agree. The Account shd. stand as follows. Coals deliv[ere]d for the Kiln from the 16 Octor. 1784 to and with 14th. May 1785. 246 Loads 41 Fod[de]r Coals deliv from [then] to and with 8 Oct 1785 1488 Loads 248 Fod.r 289 Total Fdr Charged in Lime Kiln Account 297 Fod.r Difference 8 It is supposed this may arise from there having been 8 Fod.r of Coals deliv[ere]d for the Lime Kiln after the 8 Inst. for otherwise it is clear there must be a Mistake. Mr. Walton having only paid Mr. Peter Mulcaster £4. 4. 6 for the Bills of Expenses in June last, he thinks there is a Mistake in that for by doing so he made Mr. Mulcaster allow £1.3- for a Pig of Lead for Jas. Johnson, which Sum of £1. 3. - ought to have been recd. from Mr. Mulcaster, and therefore he desires this Letter may be br.t to Farnacres when they send for the Ore Carriage Money and he will then Pay Mr. Mulcaster the £1. 3. - In settling the Account for Stublick Colliery with you, we find we have got <17>s too much, and therefore if Matt. Temperley will <keep> us in mind we will give it to him the first time we come to Langley Mill, or will pay you when you come here for the Cash. There will be 16s. due from Matt. Temperley for the 8 Fodder of Coals deliv[ere]d for the Lime Kilns whether they were delivered before or after the 8th. October unless they were deliv[ere]d before the 14th. May 1785 and were pd. for on the 13th. of June last; and we cannot think they were as there was no Lime Kiln Account at that time. It is plain they were pd. for to him this Pay. Inclosed we send you two Bills of Expenses for which Mr. Peter Mulcaster is desired to sign Accts, and to return them. These are sent in lieu of our Bill which was made out all together instead of being in two. We inclose you a Paper relative to the Valuation of the Hearth Stones & Iron Pot in the Hearth at Blagill Mill, and the Valuation of the Refinery Furnace, and think every Particular ought to be valued so as that Mr. Jobling may have it in his power to take the whole away except the Treddle Frame, and not to do anything either to interfere with that or wth. the Water Wheel. We think something shd. be reckoned for fixing the Bellows and Machinery as well as the Value of the Materials, and the like as to the Refining Furnace, but as to the building of the Hearth we wd. have you consider that as Nothing, but only just to value the Iron Stones & Pot; and we beg leave further to add that we have no wish whatever to have any one thing valued at more than you think it deserves. I wish to have the <amount used> measure of the Blagill Co.’s Lime House Peat House and Smiths Shop. I am Your Humble Servant Nich. Walton Junr An Acct. shewing the Valuation of <our/one> Refinery Furnace and Machinery at Langley Mill at several Periods 1769 Bellows £26 5 - Iron £2 15 - £29 - - 1771 Bellows £25 - - Iron 2 15 - 27 15 - 1772 Do 24 10 Do 2 15 - 27 5 - 1773 Do 24 - Do 2 15 - 26 15 - 1774 Do 22 - Do 2 15 - 24 15 - 1775 Do 20 - Do 2 15 - 22 15 - 1776 Do 19 - Do 2 15 - 21 15 - 1778 Do 18 - Do 2 15 - 20 15 - 1779 Do 18 - Do 2 15 - 20 15 - 1780 Do 18 - Do 2 15 - 20 15 - 1781 Do Do 2 15 - 1782 Do Do 2 15 - 1783 Do Do 2 15 - 1784 Do Do 2 15 - From the above I think it clearly appears that the Bellows and Machinery have been all along too low Valued for the Bellows Cost £22 a pair & Insurance and Freight & Carriage £2 and the Treddle Chains &c for one pair of Bellows might have been something considerable but the whole is left to your determination & the condition of the Furnace must be particularly Noted so that we may know the whole of the Circumstances & Mr. Jobling must pay for everything <so as to have it is his power to take the whole Furnace* [Marginal Note: ‘*Bellows and Machinery away except the Treddle Frame’] away if he chuses & <have if we ……. .. de……..> An Acct. shewing the Valuation of <one set of Iron> Stones for <our> Ore Hearth at Langley Mill at several Periods 1769 £19 7 - 1771 £19 7 - 1772 £19 7 - 1773 £19 7 - 1774 £19 7 - 1775 £19 7 - 1776 £19 7 - 1778 £19 7 - 1779 £19 7 - 1780 £19 7 - 1781 £19 7 - 1782 £19 7 - 1783 £17 15 - 1784 £17 15 - These must be pd. for by Mr. Jobling and taken as his own. You have what is now pd. for carriage of Hearth Stones in <……> The Iron Pot shd. be <dated>