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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 29 May 1785 We have rec’d your Letter of the 27th inst with the Pay Bills, Notes, Operation Paper & Account of Lead delivered ending the 14th. Inst. Thos. Wood is now here, and is quite satisfied that we may make the Wheels 20 inches broad in the Rim, 20 inches on a side being quite sufficient. If ever there shd. be some stop at the Low Wheel in frosty Weather, the Advantage of having the Wheel 20 Inches rather than a less breadth will do far more than compensate, the men may therefore proceed in cutting the Deals. We are very glad to find that the Works have got so well forward. We propose being with you on Saturday Evening the 11th. of June, and desire you will have a Breast of Veal cold for Supper; you are also desired to get a round of Beef next Tuesday and let it be well salted. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. There must be a Breast and Neck and hind Quarter of Mutton got at Hexham on Friday 7th. inst which wth. the above will be quite sufficient. 11231 pieces of Lead have been recd. at Newcastle 20 sold by J Johnson 103 On the Road 11354 Total & delivered from the Mill 11271 Total last year 93 Made more this than last year