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Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 29th. June 1784 We have received your Letters of the 26th. & 27th. by yesterdays Carrier and Post and are glad that our proposition as to Sillywray Farm meets with your ideas upon the business. We are obliged by the hints you give as to Sillywray Farm and shall not lay the Ground at Hagbank to it for the reasons you have been so good as to give us. The money we mentioned it likely to be paid by Mr. Tweddell he paid us himself at this place by a remittance. The two new Rooms at Langley Mill must most certainly be considered as a part of your House and any additional Load of Tax that falls upon you in consequence must be allowed by Greenwich Hospital & with respect to the two Windows you mention being walled up we desire you will do so according to your own wishes. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner