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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 28 Octo[ber] 1785 We have examined our Accounts for last Pay, and find the following Entries made & Receipts taken; of all which we send you Copies as follows. In the New Buildings Pay Bill ending the <14>th. May. Carriage of Quoins and other Ashler Stones from Black Cleugh. 41 John Robson DR 26 Fodders at 8d pr Fdr £- 17 4 42 John Elliot 26 Fodders at 8d pr Fdr - 17 4 43 Thomas Coats Snr 26 Fodders at 8d pr Fdr - 17 4 £2 12 - In the Due Paper Account John Robson DR Senr. 67 Common Labour £5 6 9 90 Carriage of Stones for Assay Room - 5 8 91 Carriage of Slates for Do - 3 9 41 Do. of Stones from Bla. Cleu.NB - 17 4 6 13 6 Paid by Peter & Jas. Mulcaster 2 2 0 Due 4 11 6 John Elliot Sillywrea 42 Carriage of Stones from Bla Cleu forNB 17 4 Thomas Coats Senr. pd. Messrs. Mulcaster. 43 Carriage of Stones from Bla. Cleu. for N.B 17 4 44 Carriage of Slates from Lough Green for Do. 1 0 50 Carriage of Wood from Deanraw for Do. 1 0 19 4 In Abstract of Due Papers 54 Coats Thomas Senior 19 4 pd. 53 Elliot John Sillywrea 17 4 pd. 40 Robson John Senior 6 13 5 2 2 0 <….> Receipts taken. Langley & Blagill Mills 14th. May 1785 Due to John Robson DR For carriage of Stones from Black Cleugh Quarry 26 Fodders at 8d £- 17 4 Recd. 13 June 1785 of Messrs. Walton and Turner the Contents John Robson The above Receipt is signed by John Robson himself and is marked in the Back 41. Langley & Blagill Mills 14 May 1785 Due to John Elliot. For Carriage of Stones from Black Cleugh Quarry 26 Fodders at 8d £- 17 4 Recd. 13 June 1785 of Messrs. Walton & Turner the Contents for my brother John Elliot. William X Elliot (his Mark) Witness Thomas Temperley The above Receipt is marked on the Back 42. Langley & Blagill Mills 14th. May 1785 Due to Thomas Coats Senr. For Carriage of Stones from Black Cleugh Quarry 26 Fodders at 8d £- 17 4 Recd. 13th. June 1785 of Messrs. Walton & Turner the Contents for Thos. Coats Peter Mulcaster The above receipt is marked on the Back 43. From all the above it is perfectly clear that the Money has been paid at the Pay and as the Elliots paid no Rent at the Pay, it is also clear that Wm. Elliot recd. the 17s/4d for his Brother, that John Robson recd. 17s/4d for which he himself gave a Receipt, and that Mr. Peter Mulcaster gave a Rect. for Thomas Coats’s Money; so that he and his Brother must either have paid Thomas Coats the Money or ought to have done so, or have paid it to Matt. Temperley in part for Coals; we therefore think it necessary to give you the follow[in]g Particulars relative to Thomas’s Acct. at Stublick Colliery. When Matthew Temperley <entered> Thos. Coats owed for 181 ½ loads of Coals at 4d. - £3. - 6 and between the time of Matthew’s entering to the 13 of June 1785 inclusive Matt. had recd. for 68 ½ loads at 4d. 1. 2. 18 He now owes for 113 loads at 4d. £1.17.8 What we suppose is that you pd. Matt. the 19s/4d and that he had recd. of Thomas Coats himself 3s/6d, and by enquiring of him you may perhaps find how this matter is. The words ‘pd. Messrs. Mulcaster’ on the Check to Thomas Coats Senr. Due paper have been wrote by Mr. Walton Junr. It is probable that the reason why John Elliot might think he was not paid the 17s/4d was that as his Brother Wm. recd. the Money, he may not have accounted to John for it. Since writing the above we have looked into our own Abstract Cash Account at the time of making the Pay, and find that 19s/4d is charged as paid to Thos. Coats and £1. 2.10 recd. from him in <part> for Coals, and therefore it is <probably> determined that you are, both of you, acquitted, and as to the 3s/6d differences between 19s/4d and £1. 2. 10, if Thos. Coats shd. deny his having paid anything at all in part of the £3. -. 6, we shall be 3s/6d into pocket after allowing him 19s/4d; this however we by no means can wish, and are now only sorry to have had so much trouble given us about a matter which is certainly right in every respect, and we are satisfied there are no Demands on either side respecting the above Transactions, and are happy that every Particular has presented itself to make this conclusive to us. We got home very well at 10 Minutes before 7 o’Clock, having expended exactly 5 Hours in our Passages. We are Your Hble Servts Walton & Turner PS. The above is the first business after getting home as our Credit and your satisfaction in matters of business will always <operate forcibly> on our Minds.