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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 28 June 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 25th. & 27th. inst with the Bills of Expenses, your Explanation of the Mistake as to the Pig of Lead which appeared to run over, Matt[he]w Temperley’s 2 last Weeks Coal Accounts and the Operation for June, and we shall strike the Piece of Land reported to be sold to Jas. Johnson out of the Operation ending the 4th. December last wch. will set the matter right. Before our receiving yours of the 27th. we had wrote to Mr. Wood , and hope he will soon be wth. you, or give Directions so that the Men may not be stopped. We observe the Quantity of Bricks that have been made are 37,226 Common and 25,420 Stock, and that the Men have had £11 - 6 on account, but you are desired to send us the Particulars of every other Expense that has occurred concerning this Business. We observe that 23 Bolls of Dantzic Rye have been ordered, as also 2 Sacks, and we will take care to discharge the Bill for it. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner