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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27th May 1783 The above [below] process of Operations to be right. The Timber shall be ordered tomorrow and will I expect come to you by the Friday Carrier. I am glad you can get Slates at Lough Green. I have wrote Mr. Harbottle to mark all out Lead GH. I am Your Hble Servant Nich. Walton Junr. Brownbyhill Received Brownbyhill Smelted 1782 Bouse Cutting Bouse Cutting July 27 59.6 10. Augt 31 23.7 Sept 28 13. 6.4 23.7 Octr 26 10. 15. Novr 30 5.6 Decr 23 10. 83 Febr 22 12.2 82.6 12.2 82.6 12.2 Brownbyhill N Vein Received Smelted 1782 Sept 28 7.6 Decr 28 7.6 Guddamgill Burn X Vein Recd Smelted 1782 Augt 31 9.2 Sept 28 17.6 Octr 26 15.4 13.1 Novr 30 28.3 Decr 28 1. 42.4 42.4 July 27 C Head 1. D Barn .2 Sept 28 1.2 Sept 28 C Riggs 4. Feby 21 4. Octr 26 R Cleugh 1. .2 Do. 1. .2