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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27th. June 1786 We have this moment recd. yours of the 26th. Instant wth. the 2 Weeks Colliery Accounts and the Operation ending the 24th. Instant. We are glad to hear that John Mulcaster’s Son is likely to receive benefit from Irthing Well and that he is under the care of his Grand Father. We are tolerably off here for Hay and they are the same at Ravensworth Castle but in general is quite the contrary and in most parts all is dried up. The Silver is arrived and weighs 800 Ounces. The Iron & Steel shall be ordered. I have very particular satisfaction when I can acquaint you that some great Dealers in Lead have been so obliging as to say that they find our Lead is better in Quality than WBL Lead by 5s per Fodder. This to yourselves. I am for ptnr. & Self Your Humble Servant Nich. Walton Junr. PS. In consequence of the above our Lead is much in demand.