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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27 Feb. 1786 We have recd. your Letters of the 21st. 23rd. & 25th. Inst, and approve of what you have done concerning the Stamp Mill, but are sorry you have had so much Trouble about it. We have now very bad Weather and suppose all to be frozen up with you or at least as much as to prevent the Stamp Mill going. We think what you propose as to the Refining of the Lough Vein Bouse Ore Lead all together is very proper, but you are desired to put GH & 2L’s at each end of the Pig instead of GHL, because we expect to be enabled to sell it by itself. We doubt the Information you have recd. from Jas. Johnson will not bear the Test. We are glad to hear that Matt. Temperley is better, but are much concerned to hear that John Mulcaster’s Boy still continues so very poorly, and think it quite wrong that better Advice has not been had before this time. As to the Notes, we shall give directions that they may repaid at the Hexham Rent if they shd. not in the mean time be paid to you. Mr. Wm. Jobling is to be here next Friday to execute his Leases, and it is fixed in the Lease of the Blagill Mill that he is to be at an expense in keeping the Roads in repair along with the Commiss[ione]rs of Greenwich Hospital in proportion to the Number of Pigs of Lead of 1 ½ Cwt. each that shall be produced in each year at Blagill Mill compared with the Number which shall be produced at Langley Mill in each year. We are Yr. Hble Servants Walton & Turner