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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27 Feb. 1784 We have recd. your two Letters of the <21st> and Letter of the 23rd. inst. together with Thos. Temperley’s two last Weeks Coal Accounts. We have no Objection to John Friend getting Corn for the Nent Force Level Workmen from N’Castle but as we told him when he was here in December that we wd. have nothing more to do with the furnishing the Corn ourselves, we think he ought to have mentioned the matter to us before he had sent for the Corn; we however have no Objection to their continuing to send to Newcastle for Corn as long as they find it is any particular convenience to them (the Workmen to have it from them). We are very happy that the Thaw has at last taken place and goes on. It began here abt. 11 o’Clock in the Morning of Saturday the 21st Inst, and has continued without Interruption ever since, and last Night we had a great deal of Rain. This Storm having begun on the 21st. December abt. Noon has continued just 58 Days. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner