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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 26th May 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 23 and 24th inst and entirely leave the Matter as to the School to your Discretion, and shall support you in any thing you think proper to do on the occasion. We are much obliged by your particular Attention to the Business as to the Corn. With regard to the paying for the Corn, we desire when you <order> any you will let us know, and we will take care to pay for it, and therefore we shd. be glad that all the Orders for Corn not only for Langley Lead Mill & Stublick Colliery but for the Nent Force Level & Thortergill Syke Workmen shd. come from you to Mr. <Harbottles>. We shall expect Johnson & Corbett to carry the Corn at <11d per Boll.> to Langley Mill and will not pay them more, and <in case>, on your applications to them, you find they are <unwilling to continue to> carry at 11d. you may tell them that the Man who has offered to carry the Corn at 11d. shall carry the whole and receive Lead when he comes to Langley Mill, but don’t tell them this ’til you try clearly whether they will accept of 11d. or not. As to the requiring Johnson to carry it forward to Alston at the same rate the Ore Carriers <can do>, we have no expectation of that nor do we require it. We have ordered Thos. Temperley to go to view Nent Force weekly ’til a person is appointed in the room of the late Mr. <Jonas> Hilton. We have recd. the Assays you mention & observe that Scaleburn Moss & Lough Vein Slag Lead is not refinable. We have recd. the Ore Carriage Pay Bill which we shall take care of and are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner