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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 26 July 1785 Inclosed we send you Richd. Proberts Letter concerning the Bone Ashes and desire you’ll consider the subject & return the Letter with your Sentiments. The Coal Accts. for the last two Weeks are received. Matt[he]w Temperley has wrote us about the Dyke which is as you describe. The Mill Wrights Work we know is always tedious but we might have had more hands to expedite our work however we think there are as many hands together as ought to be for the Job now in hand & so long as they don’t loiter we must rest satisfied. We wish Wm. Wilson could have staid a Month at Erthing Hall if it wd. have been of any use to him. Indeed the very relaxation from work must be of service. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner