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Messrs. Mulcaster, Farnacres 26 Janry. 1784 We have recd. your Letters of the 14th. 16th. & 20th. inst and thank you for the Delivery of Mr. Thornton’s Letter to which we have recd. an answer. We have recd. Thos. Temperley’s Accounts and also 4 Assays, and are very glad to see the Produce at the Reducing Furnace so good. The Silver weighed 770 Ounces. We are obliged by your attention to the smelting of 100 Bings of Lough Vein Ore, and shall be glad to receive the Particulars when convenient to yourselves, being in no absolute Hurry for it. We are very glad you had an Opportunity of seeing Mr. Hollier, and desire a Trial may be made of Cast Metal Frames for the Tests. We hope you recd. Directions not to send off the Silver produced from the 100 Bings of Lough vein Ore till you took off another Cake. We have written to John Friend concerning the Produce of the Ores from Carrs East of Nent and Nenthead Fields North Vein, and are obliged by your communicating to us the necessary Particulars. We approve of John Elliot being employed in taking down and cutting up the Ash Wood for Langley Mill and Stublick Colliery rather than James Watson for the Reasons you have given. We are Your Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner PS. From the accts. we have more Snow now than you have, but it is not quite so cold this Morning as it has been tho’ still a frost.