Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Aug 1785

Document Type: Letter
Date: 26 Aug 1785
Correspondent: Nicholas Walton
Recipient: Peter Mulcaster
Archive Source: TNA ADM 66 98
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An Acct. of Lead deliv[ere]d from the Lead Mill & recd at Newcastle.

Deliv at Mill & to whom  Pieces	Recd at Newcastle from whom  Pieces

Thomas Atkinson          24

William Bell            135      William Bell                 135

Chris. Bell              60      John Bell                     74

John Corbett            150      John Corbett                 246

James Johnson            94      James Johnson                124

Willm. Pattinson        184      William Pattinson             44

Thomas Robson            79      Thomas Robson                 79

John Ramsay              15      John Ramsay                   13

William Wilson           90      William Wilson                40

                                 Joseph Walton                 54

Deliv & recd to 24 Augt 831                                   809

Messrs. Mulcaster						Farnacres 26th Augt. 1785

      We have this Day recd. your Letters of the 23rd. & 25 inst with Master Temperley’s two last Weeks Coal Accounts inclosed.

      No Contact whatever was made wth. the Masons concerning the Building of the Furnaces, but the Contract for the Ashlar Work was that for each superficial yard of 2ft. thick 3 Shillings were to be paid.

      The Wet Weather hinders every thing but yesterday was tolerably fair, and this is a fine Day with Wind at North West. We are sorry the Plumber was prevented getting forward by the Rain. Before we settle with him, we will again see Mr. Watson the Plumber of Newcastle & take down his Charges, or make him write them down himself which we believe will be the best way.

      As to Stokoe the Refiner, the opportunity is lost which we wished to have taken Advantage of, and we must now take the Event of the matter as it stands according to your Letter, but his lying idle is by no means to be considered as anything.

      We are glad to hear that Flags will be got, and that the Slaters are getting on, tho’ not as fast as could be wished owing to the bad weather, but no doubt there will be  Difficulty abt. the man who is to win the remainder.

      It is surprising to us that The Fire Bricks & Clay are not arrived as we went to order them almost immediately after receiving your Letter about them. The Clay which come from Maldon must be <Cast>, or made as small as possible, and then mixed up wth. water so as to form a Mortar and used as such.

      By a Letter wch. we have recd. from Mr. Harvey this Day, we find that 809 Pieces of Lead have been delivd. at the Warehouse since last Pay, as you will observe on the preceding page, and as he acquaints us there are about 20 lying at Walbottle, and as we observe John Ramsay recd. 15 at the Mill and has only delivd. 13 at Newcastle, we suppose he may have 2 pieces still lying at Dilston, which will make up the whole Quantity. We have wrote to Ramsay desiring him to send the 2 pieces forward by some of the Carriers on Monday and we have wrote to James Johnson & John Corbett desiring they will pick up and bring forward all the Lead they can find on the road on Monday, and particularly that John Corbett or James Johnson shall bring forward the 2 pieces from Dilston & the 20 pieces from Wallbottle, at wch. last ment[ione]d place we rather wonder any shd. be laid down. You may begin the delivery to Dukes Hall when you please of any kinds of Leads. We are

      Your Hble Servts.

      Walton & Turner

PS.  We have recd. a Letter from Thos. Temperley wch. gives us hopes that something good will come of the Company’s Journey into the Country this year. It is now 2 o’Clock, and begins to look rather as to rain, but the Weather Glass is rising & has been doing so ever since yesterday Morning.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467