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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 25th. June 1785 Last Night we wrote you that we had ordered the Iron and also desiring that some Slates might be got from Alston moor. It is really strange how it could be possible to misunderstand Mr. Walton when he was last at Langley Mill about this matter and it is requested that no more time may be lost in this business & that we may go on getting what is wanted from thence in case the Expense shd. come within tolerable bounds. As the Slates are much better and lighter than Lough Green Quarry produces it will be worthwhile to be at an additional expense. We have wrote to Mr. Wm. Bell acquainting him that his Account with us will stand as follows. Due from him for 7 Pieces of Lead short last Pay at 23s £8 1 - Due to him for his share of the Value of Six Pieces of Lead wch, were pd for the 12 May 1784 as being lost but which were afterwds found to be in the Warehouse £1 - 6 Balance Due from Mr. Bell £7 - 6 Your own Account will stand as follows. Balance of the Acct after deducting 25s/6d for Gun Powder £5 7 - One Piece of Lead short accounted for (wch, was recd of James Johnson) 13th Inst wch we have now entd as recd of you £1 3 - Balance Due to Messrs. Mulcaster or rathr Mr P Mulcstr £4 4 6 The mistake about the over running of one Pig Of Lead will be seen by examining the Operation ending the 30th. Octor. and 4 Decemr. 1784. Pigs 1784 October 30 Stocks Refined Lead at the Mill 3 Decemr 4 1620 ps. of 1 cwt produced Refined Lead 1000 1003 Deduct Refined Lead sent for Newcastle 855 Sold James Johnson 1 856 Stock shd, have been 147 Stock was 148 Over 1 and by the delivery afterwards it appears there really were 145 pieces in Stock upon the 4th Decembr. 1784. The Bellows will it is likely be here by the middle of July at farthest but they may be here in a Week as there are several London Traders now in London River ready for Sailing to Newcastle. The sooner you send the Brick makers Account the better and we will again consult Mr. Anderson of Newcastle who has made more Bricks than all the Men in the Counties of Cumberland and Northumberland put together. We approve of your having pd. the <Wear> Bill exclusive of Jno. Elliot for Leading. It has been a Costly Job but will it is not doubted answer. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We are in some doubt whether it will not be proper to enlarge the Wheel hole for the High Mill, and however to do the whole except the part joining the North Mill, before the side Wall is touched as to pulling down, and we think it ought to be made 2 ½ Feet Wide and well walled with Ashlar set in <Tarras>. Having made out James Johnsons Notes the following will be his Acct. in full and for which you must get him to Sign the Recets. and at any convenient time return them to us. We have also sent you our Check on the Bank for the Amount wch. James may get at any time by calling at the Bank. 1 £29 19 8 2 5 14 - 3 - 7 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 6 - 2 9 Balance for which there is a Check Inclosed £36 12 5 Unsettled Articles with James Johnson. 1785 May 20 20 Inch and a half Deals from I don’t know where or who from or by whose order at 4d £ - 6 8 1784 Oct 12 Cooper Plats from Newcastle to Langley Mill 0 1 16 6 £ - 7 2 The Deals don’t agree wth. James Johnsons Prices but no more will be allowed than as I have set down as the prices are in proportion to 1 ¼ Ins. 11 & 12 ths. as I have set them down. James’s Bills as he drew them out are inclosed. His Charge for bringing up 5 ½ feet of Oak from Hexham Fields is quite shameful.